Performance of Class A vs Class B Apartments
Discerning the REIT class and forecasting REIT performance using regression model, intending to examine the effect of macroeconomic and real estate variables (unemployment, inflation, mortgage rates and apartment inventory) on apartment rents

China Business Parks
Evaluating the demand for and growth of office parks in China in association with the ascent in IT & ITES sectors, whereby the influence of vacancy rates, rents and other drivers is uncovered prompting the decentralization trend
India Real Estate
Elucidating the reformist zeal of Indian Govt policies and its major infrastructure investment plans signalling crucial initiatives for and creating multiple investment opportunities in the real estate sector, with emphasis on urbanization and the burgeoning middle class residents across the country

CMBS Loan Scoring Model
Forging integrated loan level databases and MS Excel based macros to access the database and run the rules of scoring model, enabling automation and process improvement of CMBS Loan Scoring Model that generates reports for deals thereby facilitating speedy decision making
RMBS - Prepayment and Default Rejection Model
Projecting the behaviours of prepayment and default curves for each product type at weighted average loan age by collecting RMBS unpaid balance & loan status information over the life of the loan, and segregating it into various tranches based on age, product type, fico rating, prepayment penalties

ASEAN Real Estate
Perusing the demand drivers of South East Asian real estate (both retail & residential) and causal elements of real estate market corrections, in addition to scrutinizing the business environment for foreign investors together with the projected infrastructure investments in the region